Timothy Mayer Artworks is looking forward to working with you! Below is a list of questions we get asked frequently by clients who contact us. If you have other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us online using the form at the bottom of this page or call me directly at 920-915-5595.
Do you have a specialty area of photography or do you do any & all photography?
Timothy Mayer Artworks has over 30+ years of photography experience and has experience in most all areas of photography. Some of our best work can be seen in the gallery on this website. Most recently we have done work for businesses seeking quality photographs for their website of their products, people and facilities as well as for eCommerce businesses wanting to capture the attention of their target customers. Many service businesses are using BEFORE & AFTER pictures to showcase the quality of their work and we have supported that approach with quality photos. Timothy Mayer Artworks takes unique photos of automobiles, motorcycles and other prized possessions of clients. Timothy Mayer Artworks has the ability to capture unique images (portraits) of people in a variety of settings as well as provide family albums with periodic pictures that show the progression of each family as time goes on. If we do not feel qualified to do the photography work you need, we will be forthright with you and refer you to another provide. Give us a call to determine if we can support your photographic needs.
What does a standard photo session require?
All photo sessions with Timothy Mayer Artworks are unique to the subject of the photograph, the location and the amount of time & equipment involved. We work closely with each customer/client at the outset of each assignment to assure what is wanted by the client is fully understood and then we tailor each session to deliver what the client expects. We shoot indoors, outdoors, at a studio or wherever the desired images can best be taken. Clients are urged to call and discuss their needs with us …i.e. subject matter, number of images desired, timeframe for when the finished photos are needed, etc. We will give you cost estimate that we are sure will be very competitive for that job.
Are your prints better than Costco and Walgreens?
YES! We use a top-quality photo processor that provides us with the best paper, the most consistent color and the best overall quality. We can provide prints in a variety of quantities and sizes to meet your needs. Top-quality digital images are also provided as required. Costco, Walgreens and other photo places do not compare.
Today’s smartphone cameras are outstanding and take great pictures, why would I need a professional photographer?
While it is true that today’s smartphone cameras are very good, it does not follow that everyone using them understands or takes into account the need key aspects of creativity, lighting, positioning and composition of pictures with the proper perspective. The image may be crisp based on camera quality, but is it the image you want? Professional photographers like at Timothy Mayer Artworks are trained and experienced in establishing the right setting, the best lighting, how to frame a shot, use the proper depth of field, the right focal plane and how to edit and process a photo for optimum results in the shortest amount of time. Professional photographers are able to capture a memory or a moment, not just an image.
My business website seems fine, it uses the same pictures we have always used; why spend the money to update my website pictures?
If you are happy with how well the pictures represent your business, its products, people and services… don’t update. However, your website is the resume’ of your business. You would not send out an old, out-of-date resume to promote yourself…so why promote your business the same way with the same pictures year after year? If you want new traffic to your business location or to your website you may want to put up some new pictures from time to time…pictures that are a more current representation of you and your business. If old pictures, tell the story, stay with them. But, will you ever really know how much updated pictures showing new products, processes or people will enhance the image and the viewing public’s perception of your business if you don’t update your website frequently? Talk to any website developer, giving people something new to look at is always a positive for a business website. Timothy Mayer Artworks can work with you to update your website pictures.
Is it a good idea to show BEFORE & AFTER pictures on a business website?
If your business and its products and/or services make things look better or different, then showing prospective customers or others how well your products/services enhance a building, a space or a person is a no-brainer. Just saying things will “look better” is not enough… showing the change in pictures is sure-fire way to get a prospective customer’s attention. If there is long process involved, then chronicling the evolution of a project from start to finish is another good way to visually document the quality of the changes your company can provide your customers. Construction or remodeling projects are ideal for this type of chronological picture taking. Autobody repair, house painting, roofing, etc. …any company that transforms or improves something for its customers should consider a BEFORE & AFTER photo series.